Thursday, November 10, 2005

Uggghhhh ... I have a cold ...

I woke up this morning with a cold ... sore throat and all. Where I "caught" this cold is anyone's guess. My life consists of trips to the post office and grocery store. Guess it was one of those two places. Mommy's aren't supposed to get sick. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our 9 month old doesn't catch my cold ... wish us luck with that. My body is aching, my head and throat hurts ... but I can't lay down because I have Mommy duty.

You know ... I never knew how hard being a parent was until February 7th of this year.

I have nieces and a nephew and they would often stay with us ... but then at the end of the day, they were someone else's kids.

Reality quickly set in when Griffin was born.

Don't get me wrong ... being a parent is the greatest thing in the world ... I love my son with all of my "Mommy Heart" ... but in reality ... there is no longer much "me" time.

Okay ... so I'm going to go sit in my husband's chair and snuggle with our son ... all the while keeping enough distance between us so hopefully he will not catch my cold.

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