Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween & Oh! My Goodness ...

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Well ... I definately had a Halloween scare this morning. I was driving into our little town this morning and I heard this great big boom. I thought to myself ... gosh ... what is that? Then, as I was trying to figure out what it was ... my entire back window exploded. Oh my goodness ... I was terrified. I quickly pulled over, checked on Griffin and our dog Wyatt. Then I went to the back of the van to see what happened. My entire back window had exploded. I called my husband on the cell phone, because I did not know what to do. Do I call the police? Why did it do this? Is it safe to drive home? All these questions are running through my mind ... and I have no answers. My husband tells me to look and make sure there is no bullet hole (Yikes!) in the window. I didn't see one. As I am standing on the side of the road, with my car pulled over as far as possible, I'm on the cell phone, with a giant hole in the back of my car, obviously crying ... all these people pass me ... no one stops! Can you believe that??? Not even one "Ma'am are you okay?"!! Well ... I call my neighbor and she comes to follow me home. Unfortunately they are unable to come to repair it until tomorrow. I would still like to know what on earth caused my back window to explode. Never in my life have I experienced anything like this. Thank goodness no one got hurt, and it is just a window ... but what a scary thing to happen on Halloween!!

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