Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Costumes Of Years Past

I love looking back at Halloween costumes of years past.

2005 - Pumpkin
2006 - Bob The Builder
2007 - Captain Jack Sparrow
2008 - Batman
2009 - Buzz Lightyear
2010 - Transformer - Bumblebee
2011 - Red Dragon
2012 - Alien
2013 - Uncle Si
2014 - He Didn't Dress Up
2015 - Griffinator Robot
2016 - Griffinator Robot Deaux

Saturday, October 28, 2017

5th Annual Harvest Party

5th Annual Glave Family Harvest Party - it was a fellowshipping with great friends, bonfire burning, glow sticks lighted trailing, nerf battling, delicious food eating, laughter filled, kinda night!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Lunch At Five Guys

This guy and I enjoyed lunch out today and we had a nice conversation about school. When I asked him of the five subjects we do, which one is his favorite ~ he said Bible. My heart skipped a beat and in that very moment, I knew THIS is why we do what we do. He enjoys learning and it is fulfilling. Having the opportunity to learn with a faith-based education, Griffin is both intellectually challenged and he is growing in his walk with Jesus Christ. I am SO grateful!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Art History Class

Griffin had Art History class ~ they were busy designing name collages.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Rocky Mountain National Forest Sunset

He is so good to me ~ my sweet husband knows how much I love sunsets. He shared one with me from 11,000 feet up in the Rocky Mountains National Forest.

Self Motivated & Art Class

This guy was pretty awesome today! While I was in Bible study, he completed more school work than I assigned. Then we headed to Richmond for his Art History class. He enjoyed today's lesson, the teacher began teaching shading composition. On another note ~ he started calling me Ma today. I'm not really sure how I feel about that.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Putt Putt Golf

A great way to end the day ~ putt-putt golf! I have a deep respect for the work ethic of these young men and our youth leader.

Youth Service Project

Though the number was few ~ the workers were mighty!

Concert At The Farmer's Market

Beautiful way to start the day ~ Griffin played a couple of songs during the Fall Concert. And, then, we took a little walk through the market.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Ice Cream!

This day called for ice cream!

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Lifeless Leaf

I noticed this leaf when I was going in to church earlier. It's worn, torn, and lifeless ~ but, it's beauty shines through in the shape of a heart.

Friday, October 06, 2017

Lego Club

Had a fun day at Lego Club. Today's challenge was to build wearable accessories. The kids had fun with this ~ I even got in on the challenge and made Lego glasses!

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

4-H National Youth Science Day

The Goochland 4H Trailblazers, joined youth from all over the country by participating in the 4-H National Youth Science Day ~ Incredible Wearables.

This year’s challenge incorporates wearable technology, teaching kids to not only use technology but create it. During the innovative, hands-on project, these future engineers worked together to design, build and refine a wearable health-tracking device that is easy-to-use and aesthetically appealing.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Science Experiment

Even the simplest experiment can be fascinating. Griffin did this one over and over. He was given a hypothesis that fire needs oxygen in order to burn. He had to determine the materials he would need for the experiment, figure out a basic plan and carry it out.

Steps he followed for this assignment: observation, list of questions, form hypothesis, conduct experiment, analyze data and draw a conclusion.

Monday, October 02, 2017

The Simple Life

The simple life ~ an afternoon at home getting chores done and buggy riding.

Art History Class

Griffin's Art History Class was a lesson in ancient writings on rocks. If you notice, his drawing of the phoenix is raised. He's really enjoying this class.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Random Heart

I love finding hearts in unexpected places.