Sunday, July 31, 2016

Double Rainbow!

We saw a beautiful, double rainbow from our house today! This is very special because with all of the tall trees around our house, we normally wouldn't be able to see it. God placed it exactly in our viewable path tonight.

VBS Singing Performance At Church.

Today at church the kids sang their favorite VBS songs. It was an awesome performance!! I will be honest in saying Griffin reluctantly got on stage ~ he came through though, and he made his Momma happy. I came to the realization today he will only have one more year before entering the youth program at church.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Last Day Of VBS 2016

Tonight was the last night of VBS. It was an incredible week! I am so very thankful for every single person involved in VBS ~ they have made such a huge impact on my Griffin's life! 🎢 Rock the boat 🎢 Rock, rock the big boat! 🎢

4H - Farm To Table Camp - Last Day!

Today during 4H camp, the kids visited the agricultural center at J. Sargent Reynolds College. They also made herb gardens with basil, cilantro, lavender, chives and parsley. It is the last day of 4H Camp and also the last day of VBS. We stopped in for a special treat at DQ to celebrate!

VBS Crafts.

The kids have made some really beautiful crafts this week at VBS! I love the crosses Griffin made last night. Thankful for the crafting team!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Fun At VBS!

He's having so much fun at VBS!

4H - Farm To Table Camp - Day 3

Today the 4H Farm To Table Camp took Griffin and his friends to Sweet Tree Hill Farm. They met Mrs. Oliver's family of fiber goats, sheep and rabbits. While there, they made felted wool soap.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

4H - Farm To Table Camp - Day 2

4H camp took the kiddos to Alvis dairy farm today ~ after picking them up, we stopped by 'Courthouse Market' for ice cream to keep with the dairy theme.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

4H - Farm To Table Camp - Day 1

These hard working kids had fun at 4H camp today! πŸŒ±πŸ… They picked over 40 crates of tomatoes at Shalom Farms, learned about the farm, had yellow watermelon and made a friend in an alligator-eyed farm cat.

Monday, July 25, 2016

VBS 2016 - Ocean Commotion

The classroom is ready for the jellyfish class! It was fun getting crafty preparing the 'jellyfish' classroom for the 3-year-olds. It was definitely a family affair getting the classroom ready!! Mike and Griffin were so helpful!! I look forward to teaching these sweet children and share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ.

Saving The Lightning Bug.

We discovered an injured lightning bug in our hallway when we got home. Griffin has such an incredible caring heart ~ he rescued him and took him outside to give him a chance at survival.

VBS Ready - 2016

We are ready for VBS tonight! That's our family and Griffin's best friend Christian.

Griffin's Flower Garden.

This is the reality of Griffin's flower garden. He planted it more than a year ago. It continues to produce beautiful flowers even though we haven't found time to tend it. 🌸🌻🌼 I was surprised to see all of these blossoms today. Definitely going to take some time to tend it next week.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

My Secret Sunset Spot ...

I took this guy to my 'secret sunset spot' tonight on the way home ~ first time I've shared it with anyone.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sea Creatures ...

Griffin just came downstairs with an armload of stuffed sea creatures for Mom's classroom. I mentioned it in passing and he remembered! πŸ’™ What I love most is they are reminders of our travels to various aquariums and beaches.

Rabbit Is Out!

I came over to my desk this morning and discovered this. Griffin made a note to himself that his rabbit was in the grassy area of her pen and he needed to put her back in the hutch.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


An after piano lesson treat at Courthouse Market for Griffin and me!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

VBS Preparation ~ Painting!

This guy had fun painting fish with friends today during VBS preparation.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Sunday, July 17, 2016


This sun kissed, bug bitten, poison ivy flecked young man enjoyed his week at youth camp. As a mother, nothing makes me happier than knowing he is surrounded by adults and youth who fuel his faith and encourage his walk with Jesus Christ. πŸ’™ #thankful

Santa In July ~ HeeHee!

Yeah, I totally made him do this ~ Santa is visiting Cabela's from the beach!

Camp Serve Goochland - Youth Mission Trip - 2016

The week of July 10 - 16 our family was blessed with the beautiful opportunity to serve our community at 'Camp Serve Goochland' our church's youth mission trip. The Lord blessed us in a mighty way and allowed us to work in different areas of the community, participate in bible study, worship and hear testimonies. The photographs below are in no certain order.