Sunday, March 31, 2013

Griffin's Baptism.

It was a very happy and special day for Griffin today as he was baptized at church on Easter Sunday. He accepted Jesus Christ as his savior a few weeks ago and today he publicly made that decision known. We LOVE you Griffin!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

2013: RMBC Easter Festival

Such a fun day at the RMBC Easter Festival!

We Have A Bunny!!

Guess who arrived this morning? Our newest family member ~ Iris! She's a beautiful little rabbit and we already love her! Griffin decided to name her Iris. But, he said her nickname is Honey. We asked him why he didn't just name her Honey and he said because she looks like an Iris.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's PLAY time!

It's PLAY time after school with the neighborhood kids!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

2nd Grade: Book Report

Second grade is year of the projects! Griffin finished up his AR (advance reader) Project last night. He was to choose an AR book, read it, take an AR test on the book (he got a 100!), create a shoe box scene from the book he read and finally write a paragraph explaining what is happening in the scene he created. He chose "Harry and Horsie". This was all him ~ he wanted to create this scene because Harry recovers his best stuffed animal Horsie from the moon.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Day & It Snowed!

We had a nice easy weekend ~ Easter Egg hunting, Easter Bunny visiting, visiting neighbors and adopting a new four legged family member who will join us soon, building that family member a new home, spending time at home, walking in the woods, riding in the buggy, going to church, attending small group and to finish it off ~ a snow day!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A New Shirt Every Day?

Driving to school this morning I glanced back and realized Griffin had on the same shirt he wore to school yesterday. I said "Hey Buddy, didn't you wear that shirt to school yesterday"? He glanced down and said "Yes, I did Momma. Are you supposed to wear different clothes to school everyday?" I told him yes, it was important to wear clean clothes everyday. He thought about it a minute and I think he realized he may be embarrassed to go to school with the same shirt on because he asked me if we could go home so he could change. We were already half way to school but I turned around so he could change. We pulled into the school parking lot with only one minute to spare before the tardy bell would ring. This just goes to show me ~ sometimes we think our kids just "know" things when in fact they really don't.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Griffin's Ancient China School Project

Griffin is studying Ancient China in Social Studies. His project assignment required him to make a kite in a unique shape.
The kite does not have to fly.

He had to draw four inventions that came from China. He also had to include a string tail that would include four facts about the inventions.

He designed it, painted it, drew the inventions and typed the complete sentences on the computer.

He worked very hard on this project ~ we are very proud of his work and the finished kite!

Way to go Griffin!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Best Friends & Sand Art!

Griffin and Kaitlyn are the best of friends. Today is Kaitlyn's birthday and she came over to play after school. Her mother is decorating the house and preparing for a little family surprise birthday party while she is here ~ she has NO idea! I decided to get sand art for the kids to create this afternoon while she is here. Now they are outside playing on the trampoline. I've heard many giggles and laughter coming from our backyard.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cub Scouts - Cowboy Yee Haw!

Our little cowboy had fun at the Cub Scout Rodeo Yee-Haw! The night included lots of western themed games, cowboy grub and lots & lots of laughter!

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


We took full advantage of the power being out ~ we had snow much fun outside until we were beyond frozen. Power is still out so Mike hooked up the generator. The snow is STILL coming down. Big, huge, beautiful flakes!!

Tuesday, March 05, 2013


The 2nd graders at GES are currently studying a unit on maps in Social Studies. It was wonderful watching our boys use the knowledge they have learned in school to achieve the necessary requirements to earn their Cub Scout geography belt loop.

Crazy Hair Day

Momma, I want spikey green hair with orange polka dots. That's not a request you expect to hear every day ... so glad I could make his wish a reality this morning for "Crazy Hair Day" at school in honor of the WHOS of "Horton Hears A Who".

Monday, March 04, 2013

Celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday ~ Cat in the Hat day

Griffin's school celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday by having crazy hat day today
He wanted a "Cat in the Hat" shirt to match his hat, however I do not sew.

I was inspired by my friend Carol's costume she made for her son Sam. I used Heat & Bond to add the white part to the shirt and then did a bit of hand sewing to make the bow.