Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cub Scouts - Collection Presentation

At Monday night's Cub Scout meeting the boys were to give a presentation on what they collect. Griffin's presentation was on fossils, rocks and teeth. You can see pictures of some of his favorites pieces on the posterboard behind him. He is holding the oldest fossil in his collection. It is a dinosaur fossil. Mosasaur teeth from the Cretaceous Period. This particular fossil was found in Morocco, North Africa.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Griffin And His Grandma

Griffin loves to visit his Grandma in Florida. Here they are each taking a turn sitting in the other's lap.

Missy Made It! ~ Give-A-Way

** WINNER UPDATE - the give-a-way winner is JENNIFER G. I will contact you for your mailing address. =)

To get in the Christmas spirit I have decided to have a fun little blog give-a-way.

To enter just leave a comment under the pictures to let me know you were here. A random winner will be selected on Tuesday morning and I will announce it here on my blog.

The winner will receive a set of {4} 'Staching Through The Snow Handmade Tags and also a set of {4} Merry Christmas Y'all Handmade Tags

It would make me happy if you would share the give-a-way with your blog readers and Facebook friends too!

Look Who Can Ride His Bike!

Well ... looky there!
Guess who can ride his bike now?

While in Florida at Grandma & Tony's house for Thanksgiving vacation, Griffin learned how to ride his bike!
Look at the determination on his face!!
We are so proud Buddy!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Giving Thanks.

Look how creatively my niece Diana and sister-in-law Bonnie used my "Giving Thanks" tags.

On Thanksgiving Day they had a beautiful fall vignette set up for their guests to write what they are thankful for on the back of the tag.

Then they were displayed on a tree branch for all to enjoy.

My "Giving Thanks" tags are available in the shop. If you would like these or something similar custom made just contact me!
Click here to visit the shop:
Missy Made It! ~

Like Father, Like Son.

Like Father, Like Son. Yesterday when Mike was playing the drums it reminded me of the boy I fell in love with all those many years ago way back in 1985.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving At The Scianomonicos

We had a wonderful time at Wade and Diana's home for Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing your family a Family Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hot Dogs - Grilled The Florida Way

The many uses of palm fronds ~ Griffin thinks they look like dragon wings ~ but we call 'em weinie roasting sticks!

Legoland - HAPPY!

Someone went to Legoland today and he is {very} happy he chose to save his allowance over the past several weeks so he could get what he wanted today. We had such a great day!

Griffin's First Visit To Legoland Florida

Wow ~ what a wonderful day! Legoland Florida is open and we went today!! Grandma and Grandpa went with us. Griffin absolutely LOVES Lego and this is right up his alley!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Grandpa & His Vet

Tony just took Griffin for a ride in his Corvette ... vrrrooom, vrrrooom!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving In Florida

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of all. Today we were blessed to be spend time with so many people we love and miss!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Egg Peeling!

We enjoyed the "Egg Peeling Party" last night. Today we get to enjoy our efforts in deviled eggs, stuffing and other yummy goodness.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Repairing C3P0

Even Griffin knows {anything} can be repaired with a little ingenuity. He lost C3PO's head and armour so he recreated it himself with a little paper, pin work and hot glue.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Walk In The Woods

I forget how much fun it can be to take a walk through our woods with my boys. { all four of them }

Griffin Is Star Student Of The Week!

Griffin was chosen "Star Student" this week. That meant it was his turn to bring the class mascot Bubbles home for the weekend. When Griffin told me he was the star student his exact words were "this is the best day of my life". He is to write about his weekend in Bubbles' journal and share pictures of what he did. This is a little bit of the fun we had.

They found a four leaf clover. We went to the Children's Museum (we tried going to the Science Museum but with the race we could not get there). We visited Sweet Spot Candy Shop. They jumped on the trampoline. We went to Frida's for dinner. We went to church. Daddy, Griffin, Jasper, Oliver & Bubbles went for a buggy ride. I think Bubbles enjoyed his weekend with us.

Thursday, November 01, 2012